USI Resources

Unlocking perceptions

Unlocking PerceptionsUnlocking Perceptions sets out Understanding Slavery’s approach to the history and legacies of the transatlantic slave trade.

  1. Contents and introduction (pdf, 3.8MB)
  2. Code of practice and Use of language (pdf, 6.3MB)
  3. Misconceptions and sensitive issues (pdf, 7.7MB)
  4. Teaching approaches (pdf, 3.4MB)
  5. Working with collections (pdf, 4.1MB)
  6. Artistic interpretation (pdf, 4.7MB)
  7. Global issues (pdf, 7.2MB)
  8. Glossary and About USI (pdf, 5.8MB)

Download the full USI handbook – “Unlocking Perceptions” (pdf, 34MB)